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for you?

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    I’ve been called the Clarity Queen (and yes, it’s in my Human Design). Let me guess...

    You’ve been cruising through life following what you’re “supposed to,” checking all the boxes and you’ve even found some amazing success along the way but something is still sticky. You feel like you have to have it all together, all the time and it is draining you out.

    You’re here because there was a small nudge that you can’t really explain. It was a quiet nudge but powerful. It’s persistent too, like a whisper you cannot ignore anymore.

    You’re here because you’re ready to make a new decision. You’re ready to do something differently because what you’re currently doing isn’t working.

    You’re ready to stop living by burnout and “I don’t knows” and start living a life fully alive!

    These are the questions I help people answer.

    Who am I?

    What do I want?

    What do I need?

    Where to next?

    What do I want to proud of when I look back at my life?

    Hey There!

    I'm Megan, but my clients like to call me, the Clarity Queen.

    I am a Life & Energy Coach. I use Human Design and Coaching to help you make magic in your life. I believe we were all made to live our own kind of extraordinary, and when you align with your whole self, you can create absolutely anything. I help people go from overwhelmed and uncertain to crystal clear, confident, and purposeful.

    My desire for you is to: Drop the stories and labels, ditch that inner people pleaser, and say goodbye to comfort zones. So you can step up to truly lead your life!

    You were made with magic written in your DNA, let's reawaken it again together, shall we?!

    Work With Me

    1:1 Coaching

    Back To You

    Human Design

    Client love notes

    "My husband was the first one to notice a change. He always believed in me, but watching me start to believe in myself and my success was a huge accomplishment. My friends tell me all the time how much they've loved watching my growth over the past year.

    I left my full-job, accepted a part-time job that I love, and focus on my small business. My stress and anxiety levels decreased so much that I started to radiate positivity into better friendships and a happier marriage."

    ANGELA Z, Vintage Clothes Shop Owner

    "Megan's coaching is focused on presence, and it turns out that was exactly what I needed to change my life and find inner peace. This had a ripple effect on different aspects in my life. My marriage improved, my relationship with my family improved, my business is making progress, my confidence is growing. I'm happy."

    SOPHIE VL, Owner of The Intention School

    "I've named Megan the Queen of Clarity! After every session I feel a massive sense of clarity and confidence.

    Some of the biggest changes I've witnessed in myself are a big increase in confidence and how to view situations and projects with ease, flow, and lightness. This has been enlightening for me as someone who has always been in the mindset of working non stop to the point where it is no longer enjoyable, often burning out."

    RACHEL S, Life & Mindset Coach

    "When Megan and I connected, I was feeling overwhelmed and burnt out in my current job and was ready to make a shift toward creating my own business. I was completely overwhelmed with where to start.

    The biggest change that I’ve witnessed for myself is without a doubt a greater sense of confidence and a willingness to put myself and my gifts out into the world.

    Without Megan’s support there is no doubt that I would likely still be dreaming my dreams. Her support has allowed me to create and begin living them! For that I will be forever grateful!"


    "There is so much I could say about Megan’s coaching program. She gave me the push I needed to take action in my life and to realize my true passions. She helped me come up with new ways to manage my time and ways to work on myself on a daily basis.

    The biggest change I saw was my confidence in myself. Before starting this program, I didn’t know where I was headed, I didn’t know what I wanted out of life, and I didn’t know why I wasn’t happy.  

    And now, I am sure. I am confident in myself and I know that I already have everything I need to be the person that I am meant to be. Megan helped me get rid of all of the negative things I used to say to myself all the time. I used to have pretty bad anxiety on a daily basis and now it is minimal.

    Even the people closest to me have all noticed that I seem happier and more at peace with my life. "

    "Megan’s magic is not in changing your external environment. Megan’s magic is not even changing your internal environment. Megan’s magic is empowering YOU to make the changes for YOURSELF. Megan’s magic is shining a light on you so that you can see and OWN your magic."

    "My time wth Megan as been a true gift. After working through some tough issues with a therapist and grief coach, I still felt stuck and was finding it difficult to move forward. Working with Megan, I was able to finally name the fears and let them go. I rediscovered how to trust myself and lean more into my own knowing. It truly has been an amazing experience!"


    "Not only did this program guide me in a new direction, Megan was amazing in terms of her guidance, support, and motivation. Each module helped me realize my potential and aid me in conquering my fears. This is one of the best things that could have happened to me and my business. It is an absolute game changer!"


    "Within the first week there was such a significant change I knew I made the right choice. By the end of the first call we both heard a shift in my voice! With the support of Megan, I launched my website and most importantly found genuine love for myself which started with mindset changes. Every week we knocked out a new goal and I felt so productive and happy. I am going back to use Megan’s services again because she’s the best!!"

    JESSICA ROBERTS, Children's Mindfullness Mentor

    "Let me just tell you….everyone needs a life coach. Especially one like Megan. She has truly helped me step into this place of peace and encouragement I’ve never known existed. She has helped me set and crush goals while encouraging me to maintain a healthy balance of work and play. Megan has also hooked me up with some of the coolest people on the planet with it comes to support in my small business. "

    JENN WIEMANN, Blogger and Photographer, Adventure in Bloom

    I help people go from overwhelmed and uncertain to crystal clear, confident, and purposeful